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Checking the impeccable conduct

The Constitution Protection Office performs the task of checking the impeccable conduct of the professional personnel of the National Tax and Customs Administration and of candidates for such status. The aim of the check is to ensure that the members of the professional personnel and the candidates for such status meet the high ethical requirements during their career.

If reasonable suspicion of unacceptable conduct emerges, the check shall be accomplished out of turn. If the check establishes unacceptable conduct, the service relation of the member of the professional personnel shall be terminated by dismissal.

Conduct is unacceptable if the person concerned does not meet the general requirements of service relation (such as Hungarian citizenship, clean criminal record, legal capacity, majority, permanent residence in Hungary, and at least high school certificate), or is subject to criminal proceedings for crimes prescribed by law, or sentenced for intentional offence. Moreover, the conduct is particularly unacceptable if it does not meet the requirements of the lawful service, free of influence, with special regard to the behaviour out of the service, to the household contacts, to the changes of the in the financial status as well as to the contacts with persons having criminal record or suspected of committing crime.

The detailed regulations are laid down in the Act CXXX of 2020 on the legal status of the personnel of National Tax and Customs Administration and in the Government Decree 194/2022 (V.27.).

Checking the impeccable conduct